
Published by GP Con GmbH Management: Peter Matteo, Martin Hahn, Anwar Naamnih Senckenberganlage 21 D-60325 Frankfurt am Main +49 (69)36 00 95-303 / -350 Liability & Warranty All information, data and representations on this website have been compiled with the greatest care. However, a guarantee for their completeness and correctness cannot be given. The graphic representations show the planning stage. We expressly reserve the right to make amendments. The type and scope of the designs are governed solely by the contracts concluded and their annexes (building specifications, etc.). The furniture shown in the plans or drawings is only a suggestion and is not part of the contract. Regarding the furnishing, the text setting out the building specifications accompanying the contract is binding, not the drawings in the floor plans. 3D visualizations are free artistic representations that do not necessarily reflect future reality. Data Protection Officer GP Con GmbH is represented by an external data protection officer, valantic Management Consulting GmbH. Please contact datenschutz(at) with any questions or concerns you may have.